

数据科学与计算机学院 2024-06-14 查看:


发表刊物/论文集 论文收录 第一作者
1 Crossover-Net:   Leveraging vertical-horizontal crossover relation for robust medical image   segmentation Pattern   Recognition SCI 于谦
2 Granularity-based   Surrogate-assisted Particle Swarm Optimization for High-dimensional Expensive   Optimization Knowlege   based system SCI 田杰
3 Crossbar-Net:   A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Kidney Tumor Segmentation in CT   Images IEEE   TIP SCI 于谦
4 Multiobjective   Infill Criterion Driven Gaussian Process-Assisted Particle Swarm Optimization   of High-Dimensional Expensive Problems IEEE   Transactions on Evolutionary Computation SCI 田杰
5 WSHE:   User feedback-based weighted signed heterogeneous information network   embedding information   sciences SCI 胡宝芳
6 Semantic   embedding based online cross-modal hashing method Scientific   Reports SCI 张美佳
7 Variable   Surrogate Model-Based Particle Swarm Optimization for High-Dimensional   Expensive Problems Complex   & Intelligent Systems SCI 田杰
8 Crosslink-Net:   Double-Branch Encoder Network via Fusing Vertical and Horizontal Convolutions   for Medical Image Segmentation IEEE   TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING SCI 于谦
9 High   signal-noise ratio passively mode-locked femtosecond Yb: CaF2 laser at 1034nm Optik SCI 马嘉赛
10 Neighbor   sum distinguishing total colorings of corona of subcubic graphs Bulletin   of the malaysian mathematical sciences society SCI 董爱君
11 Neimark–Sacker   Bifurcation and Controlling Chaos in aThree-Species Food Chain Model through   the OGY Method Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 郭峰
12 Local   conditions for planar graphs of acyclic edge coloring Journal   of Applied Mathematics and Computing SCI 张文文
13 Performance-based   near-optimal vibration control for nonlinear offshore platforms with delayed   input Asian   J Control SCI 仲晓芳
14 Prediction   of hepatitis E using machine learning models PLOS   ONE SCI 郭延辉
15 Bifurcation   and Chaos of a Discrete-Time Population Model Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 郭峰
16 An   Optimized Mining Algorithm for Analyzing Students’ Learning Degree Based on   Dynamic Data IEEE   ACCESS SCI 邵增珍
17 Analysis   and Comparison of Queue with N-Policy and Unreliable Server Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 马青
18 Analysis   and Comparison of Queue with N-Policy and Unreliable Server Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 马青
19 Unit   Sliding Mode Control for Disturbed Crowd Dynamics System Based on Integral   Barrier Lyapunov Function IEEE   Access SCI 秦伟
20 Chaotic   Dynamics and Chaos Control of Hassell-Type Recruitment Population Model Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 郭峰
21 An   expanded mixed finite element method for two-dimensional Sobolev equations Journal   of Computational and Applied Mathematics SCI 李娜
22 Energy   Law Preserving Finite Element Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Equation with   Dynamic Boundary Conditions Communications   in Computational Physics SCI 李娜
23 Drug   Side-Effect Prediction Via Random Walk on the Signed Heterogeneous Drug   Network molecules SCI 胡宝芳
24 Fuzzy   Guaranteed Cost H infinity Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Fuzzy Vehicle   Active Suspension with Random Actuator Delay, International Journal of Fuzzy   Systems International   Journal of Fuzzy Systems SCI 仲晓芳
25 Hyperspectral   image classification with SVM and guided filter EURASIP   Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking SCI 郭延辉
26 Design   of Optimal Disturbance Attenuation Controller for Networked T–S Fuzzy Vehicle   Active Suspension with Control Delay International   Journal of Fuzzy Systems SCI 仲晓芳
27 High   Efficient Deep Feature Extraction and Classification of Spectral-Spatial   Hyperspectral Image Using Cross Domain Convolutional Neural Networks IEEE   Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing SCI 郭延辉
28 Adverse   Drug Reaction Predictions Using Stacking Deep Heterogeneous Information   Network Embedding Approach Molecules SCI 胡宝芳
29 Adaptive   image enhancement algorithm based on the model of surface roughness detection   system EURASIP   Journal on Image and Video Processing SCI 田杰
30 Spectral-Spatial   HyperspectralImage Classification With K-Nearest Neighbor and Guided Filter IEEE   ACCESS SCI 郭延辉
31 An   Adaptive SVR for High-Frequency Stock Price Forecasting IEEE   ACCESS SCI 郭延辉
32 High-repetition-rate   Q-modulation in solid-state laser using fast saturable absorber V:YAG Laser   Physics SCI 马嘉赛
33 Interactive   Control and Rehabilitation Evaluation Method of Rehablitation Robot Based on   Surface Electromyography ACTA   MICROSCOPICA SCI 李长松
34 A   New Fractal Permeability Model for Porous Media Based on Rough Capillary   Channels Advances   in Materials Science and Engineering SCI 赵一博
35 A   CTR prediction model based on session interest Plos   One SCI 王倩倩
36 Mild   Solutions for Fractional Impulsive Integro-Differential Evolution Equations   with Nonlocal Conditions in Banach Spaces Symmetry SCI 李烨
37 An   internet traffic classification method based on echo state network and   improved salp swarm algorithm PeerJ   Computer Science SCI 张美佳
38 An   energy-Concentrated synchrosqueezing transform using a reassignment operator   for the analysis of nonstationary signals The   International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2022) SCI 李长松
39 Session   interest model for CTR prediction based on self-attention mechanism scientific   reports SCI 王倩倩
40 Neighbor   product distinguishing total colorings of planar graphs with maximum degree   at least ten discussiones   mathematicae graph theory SCI 董爱君
41 Planar   Graphs of Maximum Degree 6 and without Adjacent 8-Cycles Are 6-Edge-Colorable Journal   of Mathematics SCI 张文文
42 Controllable   random lasers based on two-dimensional random gain systems with nematic   liquid crystals Indian   Journal of Physics SCI 孟昭忠
43 List   Edge Colorings of Planar Graphs without Adjacent 7-Cycles Journal   of Mathematics SCI 张文文
45 《A   Gradient Projection Algorithm  with a   New Stepsize for Nonnegative Sparsity Constrained Optimization》 Mathematical   Problems in Engineering SCI 李烨
46 Research   on Cross-media Retrieval Based on Semantic Association for Hospital   Information System BCPT SCI 杨艳春
47 A   Necessary Condition for Optimal Control of Forward-Backward Stochastic   Control System with Levy Process in Non-convex Control Domain Case Mathematical   Problems in Engineering SCI 黄虹
48 Metallurgical   Process Monitoring under Microscope Image Analysis ACTA   MICROSCOPICA SCI 尹百慧
49 The   Operation Mode of Financial Venture Capital Based on Animal Epidemic   Prevention System Revista   Cientifica-Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias SCI 黄虹
50 Application   of Euler-Poincaré Characteristic in the Prediction of  Permeability of Porous Media Intelligent   Automation And Soft Computing SCI 赵一博
51 An   innovative model to mine asynchronous periodic pattern of moving objects Multimedia   Tools and Applications SCI 董树霞
52 Selenide   Molybdenum as saturable absorber for passively Q-switched Nd-doped bulk laser   at 1 μm Optik SCI 马嘉赛
53 Estimating   critical path analysis on digital topology of the connectivity of pore media Multimedia   Tools and Applications SCI 赵一博
54 Sparse   network embedding for community detection and sign prediction in signed   social networks Journal   of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCI 胡宝芳
55 Adaptive   Information Granulation in Fitness Estimation for Evolutionary Optimization Wireless   Personal Communications SCI 田杰
56 Global   Analysis of a Liénard System with Quadratic Damping Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 郭峰
57 Design   of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Algorithm Based on FPGA JOURNAL   OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES SCI 胡蔚蔚
58 Research   on a New Automatic Generation Algorithm of Concept Map Based on Text Analysis   and Association Rules Mining Journal   of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing SCI 邵增珍
59 A   type of C2 smooth surfaces generated by bivariate rational spline   interpolation J.   COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS SCI 潘建勋
60 Edge   coloring of planar graphs without adjacent 7-cycles Theoretical   Computer Science SCI 张文文
61 Optimal   Disturbance Rejection with Zero Steady-State Error for Nonlinear Vehicle   Suspension Systems under Persistent Road Disturbances Shock   and Vibration SCI 仲晓芳
62 A   note on the edge colorings of planar graphs without 7-cycles with three   chords ARS   COMBINATORIA SCI 张文文
63 Passively   Q-switched Yb:YAG laser base on MoSe2 saturable absorber Applied   Optics SCI 马嘉赛
64 A   self-adaptive similarity-based fitness approximation for evolutionary   optimization 2017   IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence SCI 田杰
65 Topological   entropy of one type of non-oriented Lorenz-type maps Discrete   Dynamics in Nature and Society SCI 郭峰
66 The   Signal Processing and Identification ofUpper Limb Motion Based on sEMG Wireless   Personal Communications SCI 李长松
67 Max–min   distance embedding for unsupervised hyperspectral image classification in the   satellite Internet of Things system Internet   of Things SCI 郭延辉
68 NEW   GEOMETRY MODELS FOR CALCULATING TORTUOSITY OF FLOW PATHS IN 3D POROUS MEDIA Comptes   rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences SCI 赵一博
69 Machine   Learning for Broad-Sensed Internet Congestion Control and Avoidance A   Comprehensive Survey IEEE   Access SCI 黄惠芬
70 Semi-Supervised   Learning Based Semantic Cross-Media Retrieval IEEE   ACCESS SCI 郑希源
71 Alternating   segment explicit-implicit scheme for nonlinear third-order KdV equation APPLIED   MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS SCI 曲富丽
72 scribble-based   colorization for creating smooth-shaded vector graphics Computers   & Graphics SCI 鲍彬
73 Optimization   of a Traffic Control Scheme for a Post-Disaster Urban Road Network Sustainability SCI 邵增珍
74 Digital-Control-Based   Approximation of Optimal Wave Disturbances Attenuation for Nonlinear Offshore   Platforms energies SCI 仲晓芳
75 A   stage-wise soft-error detection scheme    for flip-flop based pipelines in secure cloud servers Journal   Of Signal Processing Systems For Signal Image And Video Technology SCI 张宏
76 Research   on two-layer heterogeneous wireless control network framework at airport with   silent Mechanism Int.   J. Sensor Networks SCI 邵增珍
77 A   bivariate blending interpolator and the properties Journal   of Computational Analysis and Applications SCI 潘建勋
78 Point   control of rational interpolating curves using parameters Mathematical   and Computer Modelling SCI 潘建勋
79 A   blending interpolater with value control and minimal strain energy Computer   & Graphics SCI 潘建勋
80 Research   on Network Intrusion Detection Method based on Regular Expression Matching Research   on Network Intrusion Detection Method based on Regular Expression Matching EI(JA) 王怡
81 A   Parallel Algorithm for Detecting Complexes?in Protein-Protein Interaction   Networks with MapReduce Journal   of Fiber Bioengineering and Informatics EI(JA) 于振梅
82 Fourth-Order   Accurate Alternating Group Schemes for the Diffusion Problem International   Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology EI(JA) 曲富丽
83 Robot   Path Planning Based on Chaos Concise Differential Evolution and RFNN Control Automation   and Control System Journal EI(JA) 王晓升
84 视频人脸识别中判别性联合多流形分析 软件学报 EI(JA) 于谦
85 具有保面积参数化的双二次   Bézier 曲面 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 EI(JA) 李效伟
86 NURBS曲面C1连续参数优化算法 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 EI(JA) 李效伟
87 有理Bézier曲线的近似弦长参数化算法 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 EI(JA) 李效伟
88 Identifying   influential nodes in complex networks based on Neighbours and edges Peer-to-Peer   Netw. Appl. EI(JA) 邵增珍
89 在三角域上构造三次多项式插值曲面 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 EI(JA) 于谦
90 A   New Family of Universal Hash Functions for Quantum Key Distribution International   Journal of Network Security EI(JA) 杨淑英
91 Line   Drawing Vectorization via Coarse-to-Fine Curve Network Optimization Computer   Graphics Forum EI(JA) 鲍彬
92 The   security storage method of dynamic data in internet of things based on   blockchain International   Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems EI(JA) 孙黎
93 Highly   stable passively mode-locked Yb:KGW femtosecond laser at 1041 nm with SESAM Optic EI(JA) 马嘉赛
94 Chaotic   dynamics of the Duffing-Holms model with external excitation ITALIAN   JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS EI(JA) 郭峰
95 An   Improvement of Babai’s Rounding Procedure for CVP International   Journal of Network Security EI(JA) 杨淑英
96 A   TAO-based adaptive middleware for pervasive computing International   Journal on Embedded Systems EI(JA) 郭延辉
98 Controlling   Chaos of the Ricker Population Model by OGY Method American   Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology EI(JA) 郭峰
99 Bifurcation   and Controlling Chaos in a Discrete-Time Biological System American   Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology EI(JA) 郭峰
100 Chaotic   motion of a nonlinear near resonance centrifuge Noise   & Vibration Worldwide EI(JA) 郭峰
101 基于多点加点准则的代理模型辅助社会学习微粒群算法 控制与决策 EI(JA) 田杰
102 Sign   prediction and community detection in directed signed networks based on   random walk theory International   Journal of Embedded Systems EI(JA) 胡宝芳
103 Subharmonic   solution of a vibration system with two mass elastic connecting rods Noise   & Vibration Worldwide EI(JA) 郭峰
104 The   dynamic property and chaos control for a two-degree-of-freedom vibro-impact   system U.P.B.   Sci. Bull., Series D EI(JA) 郭峰
105 Research   on Feature Parameters Extraction Based on Surface Electromyography Signal Boletin   Tecnico EI(JA) 李长松
106 Wireless   sensor traffic information collection system based on congestion control   algorithm International   Journal of Online Engineering EI(JA) 孙洪峰
107 新加坡中文少儿图书出版生态学研究 出版发行研究 CSSCI 庞胜楠
108 融媒体环境下“新媒体+电商+文创”互动发展研究 文化产业研究 CSSCI 吴娟
109 “卖萌”与卖“萌”——“萌文化”的表现特征与消费特征研究 文化产业研究 CSSCI 庞胜楠